About Chosen Few Expats

Chosen Few Expats offers information and consulting services to individuals who are interested in relocating to Panama. With a focus on helping individuals make informed decisions, Chosen Few Expats provides guidance and support throughout the entire moving process, from pre-departure planning to settling into life in Panama. Whether you are a retiree, entrepreneur, or simply seeking a change of pace, Chosen Few Expats is your go-to source for expert advice and assistance.

Featured Collections

Places of Panama

This collection of products features some of the best cities to visit... 

Chosen Few Expats

This is a collection of products which features our Chosen Few Expats... 

  • Chosen Few Expats Hoodie

    This hoodie displays our bold Chosen Few Expats logo. It is a sign to all that you're one of the few who chose to take the leap and become an expat!

  • Places of Panama

    This collection features some of the best cities to go and places to tour of Panama. Pack your bags, grab your camera, get your palate ready for some great food and enjoy!

  • HAO Blessed Holy Anointing Oil

    Mixed and bottled by us according to the specifications given by God in Exodus 30:22-25. God has only ONE formula for his holy anointing oil and this is it! --> https://amzn.to/34lXb3A